
bored.. random thoughts.

1. decent weekend, a friend and i got fined for 50 dollars for essentially being at the wrong place at the wrong time, that kinda put a damper on things. oh well though.

2. one good thing is that it's the home stretch for school, i think i can start to see the end of this year, one month away. 

3. i havent been getting a lot of sleep recently, bc my roommate has decided that he's quitting school (not going next year, hasnt gone to any of his classes in over a month), which enables him to stay up until 5am playing computer games and talking to his fellow gamers, then sleeping until 6pm. thus, no sleep for me until 4-5ish. it sucks, but not worth getting in a fight about.

4. Easter is in a few weekends, which I will be going home for. i think Easter is one of the more underrated Holidays.


havent posted in a while

wow, i completely forgot about this. whoops.

here's an update of what's happened this year:
January: continued Winter Break, not much else. went back to school. my 4 classes this semester are a french class i need to take, a history class i need to take, and 2 film classes. one on westerns (thats 4 hours long) and one on "retro" films. i'm doing good in 3, i need to step up in history though.
February: not much happened here either, just continued school. i also collapsed in the shower one day, apparently bc i had low blood sugar or something. that was fun.
March: pretty easy so far, just got off Spring Break, I went and visited a few friends in Maine for the week. it was pretty fun, glad i did it. also, March Madness started, which is without-a-doubt the best sports event of the year. i've been obsessed with it since 4th grade. 

so, basically, i'm pretty content of where things stand right now. for the first time in a while i think i have the right people in my life, something i've been working on for a while. hopefully this'll continue through the summer. thats all i got for now

also: In Bruges. good film.