
good april

April is only a week in, but i can tell it'll be a good month for me. i'm staying decent enough in school, actually going to my history class (probably why i am also getting better grades); and im going home this weekend. 
this weekend if the first weekend since january that most of my friends will be home. i have compiled a to-do list for the weekend:
1. buy Slumdog Millionaire on DVD. it came out last week and i completely forgot, but i just watched it at my friends dorm and it reminded me how much i liked it.
2. buy a Chelsea jersey on eBay. i just really need a soccer jersey, its really the only jersey i would feel comfortable wearing out to class/party/ect.. and Chelsea is my favorite team, so it works.
3. go to a zoo. i havent been to a zoo in, like, 6 years. i consider it very underrated on the "fun" list.
4. start on my film final paper. it's 10-12 pages, and i have to write it on "the interaction and roles of female characters in John Ford's classic Westerns". i could probably get around 6 pages of actual information on this, which means i'll have to bullshit 4 pages.
5. have a good easter. should be easy.

in sports, the ncaa's ended today.. easily the most boring tournament of my lifetime, there are usually 7-8 memorable games from a tournament, and there was around 3 this year. lame.
also, today the Yankees began their season, with a loss, but i'm excited for the season.

currently listening: Wolf Like Me by TV on the Radio