
testin the blog out

alright, so its around 6:15am right now and i decided to make a blog. that should tell you a vital piece of information about me, im not much of a sleeper. until i get tired. then i sleep for like 14 hours.  it's a vicious cycle.

but anyway, i'm anthony and this is my blog. most of the posts here will fall under 3 categories: movies, sports, and then completely random crap about my day. i'll try to keep this updated.

not much has gone on today, the usual hang out with friends until 11-12ish then hang out at home for the night. i really like being home. the best part is the food. one good thing that has happened today was i won $0.66 playing poker online tonight. i'm a high roller.

so anyway, i am a film major at URI and i am a sophomore. right now we're on christmas break which has been pretty great for me thus far. the first half of breaks always go by slow, but im sure when theres like 1 week of break left it will seem like 2 days. that always happens.
for the official record, i enjoy all sports. participating or watching, i dont give a shit. i used to play baseball, football and soccer for my town, but only did soccer in high school. i was decent, but didnt really put myself 100% into it. thats a habit of mine. 

i would say this first post has been a success, so im gonna stop before i get too off track. bye.

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